Monday, September 15, 2014

Ice cream truck melting


Cruising along the parade handing out free ice cream,  I hear the waves crashing against the peninsula.  The summer breeze brushed past my window as my truck came to a stop.  Every time I put on the ice cream truck song it reminded me from when I was little, holding Mum’s hand as we trotted on down to the ice cream truck.  The kids ran up to me asking and asking for more and more singing the song that rang through my ears.

Not so long after selling and giving ice creams away it got blazing hot.  So hot that about 10 ice creams had fallen to bits.  Some people were thinking it was a drought. This steaming hot day was the biggest one the city had ever seen.  Suddenly it felt like my truck was sinking. I thought I was stupid. I was panicking, my heart was pounding, I couldn’t feel my feet, my lungs were burning. I was sweating as people got their ice creams.  Some kids thought I had just been on a magnificent run. I just lied and said I did, they laughed their heads off. I was feeling terrified, I closed up shop and started heading back.  Thats when it happened

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