Thursday, November 13, 2014

Persuasive Writing

I am going to put your awesome walkie talkie ad on the TV because then the kids will be asking their parents to buy them. I will put it on now because it is close to Christmas and on after school or before school. The internet is not safe enough and not everyone has a device. Most people have a TV.  TV is safer because the internet has virus’s.

Firstly, there can be inappropriate ads on the internet especially for little kids. Thats because internet has NO rules. The TV has ads for all suitable ages and has lots of rules. If you choose internet they could make the ad really bad with a virus or even make it inappropriate for little kids.

Secondly, if you advertise on the TV you can fit in a time slot for after school or before sport on the weekend, which means kids will be watching their everyday programmes so they can ask or even plead for their parents to buy your product. Also, on at the times when there are adult program’s on we will advertise so they can buy them when they see your awesome ad.

Finally, if you have chosen the TV brilliant idea, because nobody like’s ads on the internet. But since your ad will be so awesome everybody will be rushing in to buy your brand new and spectacular new walkie talkie. After they have bought it they will be talking to all their friends about their brand new item. This is the fairer and safer way.    

By Hugh      


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